Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Recommended Health Checkups for Adults

Good health requires sincere and dedicated efforts. However, owing to the fast paced, busy and stressful lifestyle coupled with the many responsibilities which we have to take care of, health often takes a backseat. Result? You become susceptible to a number of ailments and health problems like diabetes, blood pressure or hypertension, thyroid etc. In fact, in the past few years these ailments have become so common that every second person suffers from it. That is why there are some medical tests which adults must get done if they want to avert bigger and severe health crisis in the future.

Blood pressure

Simply speaking, blood pressure when your heart beats, it pumps and pushes the blood through the arteries to the different parts of your body. This force with which the blood comes creates pressure on those blood vessels and it is this pressure which is measured. Initially blood pressure was considered to be a genetic disorder. However, today’s modern lifestyle can also be responsible for causing high blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension as it is popularly known as.  If not diagnosed, high blood pressure can also result in a number of heart related ailments. Hence, it is advisable to get your blood pressure checked on regular basis.

Diabetes Checkup
In a recent survey, it was observed that almost every second person in India suffers from Diabetes, more particularly Type II diabetes. Type II diabetes can either be hereditary or again due to the hectic lifestyle combined with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Like blood pressure, if not detected and taken care of in the initial stages, it can lead to a number of other disorders and ailments like kidney failure etc. Hence, a fasting as well as a PP test is a must for all adults.

The key element which causes thyroid is ‘stress’. It is owing to the mental stress which a person undergoes which results in the body, especially the thyroid gland which is in fact responsible for carrying out all the metabolic functions in the body. Hence, undergoing the T3 and T4 tests to find out if you are suffering from thyroid thus becomes essential in order to prevent any further complications.


Cholesterol is present in your blood and circulates in your blood. An increase in the level of the blood cholesterol levels can be quite risky and dangerous. Hence, it is extremely important that you go for a regular Health checkup to known your LDL which shows the presence as well as the level of bad cholesterol in your blood.

There are so many other medical tests that you can actually get confused while deciding which must be done and which isn’t that important. But at Dr Lalchandani Labs not only will you be accurately guided on the kind of tests which you need to undergo but you will also get customized packages of body tests. So why go anywhere else when you get so much convenience under one roof?

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