Friday, 28 July 2017

Facing the Symptoms of Liver Damage? Get Liver Function Test Today!

Every organ of a humans body has a significant role to play. One small damage cannot only cause problems but can also pose a threat to ones life. Among various diseases that has just become conventional these days, liver damage is one of them. A life-threatening condition that it is, liver fail simply delineates that a large part of the liver has been damaged and is unable to function properly; thus, the need of immediate medical condition. Generally, liver damage is a slow process that occurs over many years. However, in some exceptional cases, it can occur rapidly as well. And, the cause can be detected by liver function test.

So, how do you know that your liver is damaging? Here are some symptoms:
Abdominal Pain
Loss of appetite

With a progress in the disease, the symptoms tend to change as well:
Easy bleeding
Mental disorientation
Swollen abdomen

Initially, the symptoms of liver failure as normal as it can be for some regular flu or viral. However, if you are even a bit suspicious, you must instantly go for liver function blood test. Here is everything you need to know about it:

What is a liver function test?

A liver function test is to check out the condition of the liver. In this test, level of proteins, bilirubin in blood, and liver enzymes are checked. With the advancement in technology, these days one can also go for a simple blood test to know about the health of the vitals that determine proper functioning of the liver.

Liver Function Test Procedure:

For a liver blood test, you would be required to get your blood drawn. This can either be done in a hospital or a good testing lab. The procedure includes:
Cleaning the skin before the test to prevent test contamination by microorganisms on the skin
Drawing few samples of blood from the vein
Sending the sample to a lab for testing via home collection of samples

In a good lab setup, usually a fully automatic biochemistry machine is used to process the blood sample which may take few hours or sometimes a day as well to process.

Results of LFTs are usually evaluated together. Several sets of results from tests performed over a few days or weeks are often assessed together to determine if a pattern is present. Each person will have a unique set of test results that will typically change over time. A doctor evaluates the combination of liver test results to gain clues about the underlying condition. Often, further testing is necessary to determine what is causing the liver damage and/or disease.

With minimal LFT cost which may typically vary between Rs 300 to 1200 depending on quality of lab, you can easily detect the problem that your liver is going through. If you find anything unusual, it is important to contact the doctor as soon as possible. 

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Zika Virus: Five precautions that can save your life

The deadlier Zika virus is spread by day time mosquitoes, more commonly known Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus. Even though these daytime mosquitoes are the vector of this disease, it is advised to stay away from mosquitoes in night-time too.

As recently, three persons in India are diagnosed of Zika virus, it is predicted by WHO that the virus has the possibility to spread in rest of India as well. The virus is passed from one human being to another through reproduction or through mosquitoes.

Please note, that Zika virus has no existing vaccines and available treatments in the world, thereby causing the virus, one of the deadliest threat to humankind. However, adopting certain precautions would ensure that you are not affected from this virus. The following precautions if taken have high possibility from keeping you isolated from the virus:

Firstly, remove sources of fresh standing water, especially if you follow the routine of string water in your house, try to use the water within twenty-four hours and cover the water with a lid, steps needed to detach the water from contacting air.

Secondly, live in closed spaces, like air-conditioned rooms or rooms with proper doors and window filters and screens

Thirdly, wear protective clothes, preferably long sleeve shirts, which cover your bodies and expose very less amount of skin, especially during daytime. When outdoors, wear long-sleeved pants and tuck your pants in your socks.

Fourthly, use mosquito nets when sleeping, use mosquitoes repellent smoke or gas, use mosquito repellent coils and refills if necessary, it is advised to keep anti-mosquitoes lights in your house to be kept switched on, at all times during the day, at least. Apply mosquito repellent creams and seek advice from the doctor as to which cream to be applied at the time of pregnancy.

Fifthly, use Permethrin Spray on your clothes as per the instructions on the bottle and spray eucalyptus oil in your house as per the instructions in the bottle. Please refrain from spraying permethrin on your body.

Get yourself and your family tested periodically from a premier lab like Dr Lalchandani Labs and stay safe from this deadly virus.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Importance of a Regular Health Checkup

It is rightly said that ‘Health is Wealth’. Just like wealth which reaps profits only when you invest in it, similarly, if you invest in your health at the right time, then you will be able to enjoy the benefits of good health devoid of any ailments in the later time of your life. One of the things which you should follow if you want to enjoy a healthy life is to go for regular health checkups. This post brings to you some of the hidden benefits of regular health checkups.

Good quality of life
Your body is your temple and the way a temple or any place of worship is maintained, even your body also needs to be maintained. Apart from healthy eating and engaging in some form of physical activity on regular basis, regular health checkup packages also help you achieve the holistic version of a healthy lifestyle. This is important particularly in today’s fast paced and stressful lifestyle which tends to attract so many lifestyle diseases and ailments.
Timely diagnosis and treatments
This is one of the most important benefits of undergoing routine health checkup. When you go for a monthly health check up, you are aware of the condition of your body. You know whether all your organs are performing well or not. Even if you get diagnosed with any ailment, like for example, blood pressure or thyroid, you can start your treatment well in time as compared to if you get to know about it when the problem becomes more severe. This is of particular significance if you have a family history of some ailment like diabetes. In such cases, it is utmost important that you go for regular checkups.

Stitch in time saves nine
Regular health checkups also helps in saving lot of unnecessary costs which you otherwise have to incur if you fail to undergo your routine health check up. And with the rising costs of all the medications as well as treatments, it is always better to opt for some preventive care rather than undergoing surgeries and treatments which are costly, time consuming and at times risky also.

Dr Lalchandani Labs is a reliable name when it comes to comprehensive full body medical checkup. Not only do they have a qualified and well experienced team of medical experts but they also guide their patients in the correct way based on their medical reports.