Thursday, 23 November 2017

Don’t Take Your Hormones Lightly, Ladies!! Know What They Are and What They Do To You

How many times have you ignored the signals that your body sends to you? They are not mere signals but indicators of your health and any underlying condition. Today, let us throw light on some of the major hormones that play a vital role in the lives of our women.

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. They are responsible for the body functions, right from growth, sexual development, your mood, your stress levels, and just about everything. Knowing what those hormones are and how they control your health, will help you to maintain a healthier life, in the long run. Here is a list of the crucial hormones that affect a female’s overall health.


This hormone controls the menstrual cycle and helps in childbearing. It also helps in keeping your bones strong. Low or high levels of this hormone have adverse effects on the body.


This controls fertility and menstruation. Low progesterone causes frequent miscarriages, abnormal bleeding, gall bladder problems, joint pains. It is a good thing to keep a watch on its levels.


This is a male hormone but is formed in female as well in a small quantity. As in men, it plays a major role in libido, bone density and muscle strength. When its presence is too high in a female, it leads to polycystic ovarian syndrome, heart diseases, excessive hair growth. Maintaining it in a healthy range is important.

Thyroid hormones  

The body’s metabolism is controlled by thyroid hormones. Apart from maintaining a healthy weight, they are responsible for your energy levels and conditions of the skin, hair and nails.


Prolactin is a lactation-promoting hormone. It affects various other hormones in the body and is responsible for the production of milk. Too high or too low levels affect lactation in a woman. Monitoring its level is significant for overall health conditions.
It is a good idea to get an annual checkup done to make sure that your hormones don’t mess up your life. These tests need to be done at a trusted lab, which will give accurate results. One of the best diagnostic centers in South Delhi is Dr Lalchandani Labs, equipped with a fully automated pathology lab. Hormone levels need to be maintained at optimum levels, or they might play havoc with your day-to-day life. Learn to take control of your health by understanding your hormones, before it is too late.

Thursday, 16 November 2017


The dense smog in which we woke up this Tuesday made breathing difficult and realized us that these is a public health emergency situation in North India. People were complaining about the zero visibility on roads and many other health issues like dryness in their throats, coughing, burning sensation in eyes, itchy skin and irritation in nose. The primary sources of smoke are lit garbage, stubble burning, road dust, factories, power plant and vehicles. There’s a major need to take steps to ensure that not only kids are staying indoors but other adults are also careful of the dangerous problems this pollution can lead to.

Dr LalChandani Labs suggesting some ways to escape the harsh air quality that has led to a public health emergency situation:

1. Try to stay inside as much as possible – People, who regularly exercise, shift their workout
sessions indoor for a time being. Schools are already closed for this week and if you can take
work from home option, take that leverage and avoid pollution as much as you can. Avoid
traveling at peak hours when pollution is relatively high.

2. Follow healthy diet and drink a lot of water – To flush off air pollutants that have entered your
body and detoxify your system, drink loads of water and follow a strictly healthy diet. Include
basil leaves and honey in your diet to boost your immune system. Eat jiggery (Gud) as much as
you can to save your lungs from Delhi air now.

3. Use a pollution mask – Buy a pollution mask from a nearby medical store. If unavailable, use a clean cloth to cover your mouth and nose.
4. Keep indoor plants –Keep plants inside and around your house so that the surrounding air is
clean and void of pollutants. This is the most effective way to breathe fresh air.

5. Use public transport or closed vehicles– Avoid using open vehicles to travel such as scooties, bikes, and autos. Take the metro or bus if the distances are far off. Avoid using cars and try car pooling as we don’t want the pollution levels to increase further than they already are.
6. Avoid bursting crackers – Due to any occasion/reason/celebration, no matter how happy or
tempted, AVOID bursting crackers.

7. Try using electric cookers instead of gas – In such circumstances, don’t add anything to the
already worse situation. Hence, using anything electric over anything fuel best is the way to go.