Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Tips for a successful Kidney Function test By Dr LalChandani Labs

Most of us are blessed with a pair of kidneys because kidneys play a significant role when it comes to maintaining your overall health. However, with time certain symptoms may erupt which may require your physician to recommend you getting your kidneys checked just to see if they are functioning well. This post will help you understand how to prepare yourself before you go for a kidney function test or KFT.
Role of kidneys
Out of the several functions which kidneys perform, the main function which it performs is filtering out waste or excretory materials from the blood. These materials are released in the form of urine. Apart from this, kidneys are also responsible for regulating and maintaining the water as well as essential minerals level in the body. And last but certainly not the least, they are also instrumental in producing red blood cells, vitamin D as well as some essential hormones which regulate blood pressure.
Symptoms hinting at a Renal Function Test
With time and owing to a number of factors, your body may start showing some symptoms. It is highly recommended that you should not ignore these signs but instead get a kidney test done at the earliest. Some of the commonly observed symptoms hinting at a kidney disorder are as follows:
ü  Traces of blood in the urine;
ü  high blood pressure;
ü  frequent urination;
ü  pain while urinating;
ü  swollen hands and feet due to fluid accumulation in the body;
ü  Difficulty while beginning to urinate.
However, one thing which you must understand is that occurrence of any single symptom may not immediately mean that it is sue to kidney disorder. Only when all or most of these symptoms happen simultaneously, then you must understand that you need to undergo a kidney function test.
Different types of Kidney tests
Usually a Kidney Test comprises of a blood and a urine test. Only when you undergo this test that your doctor will be able to understand your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). It is this GFR which helps your doctor ascertain if your kidneys are performing their function of clearing excretory waste from the body. KFT cost in India is not is very high. KFT price is somewhere around eight hundred rupees which is quite affordable. 

Go for the best!
And if you opt for a reputed pathological laboratory like Dr. Lalchandani pathological laboratory which not only provides customers with the convenience of making a booking of KFT Online but also provides affordable check up packages as well. So if you want the best technology at affordable rates, then Dr. Lalchandani Labs is the perfect place to go! 

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Go on a health date with a complete lipid profiIe test!

Fast paced, hectic and stressful routine coupled with sedentary job, inactive lifestyle and dietary mistakes results in people getting detected with a number of lifestyle diseases like thyroid, blood pressure (both high as well as low), cholesterol, diabetes etc. As a result, it has become rather necessary for each one of us to undergo a lipid profile test every once in a while. This post will help provide some basic information about a lipid profile test.

Although the name ‘lipid’ may sound Greek or Latin to you, but in reality it is not that difficult to comprehend. To begin with, lipid test is a simple blood test which helps in giving you an overview of how healthy or unhealthy your heart is. This lipid or cholesterol test also helps you determine your cholesterol as well as the good as well as bad fat levels in the body.

Symptoms indicating a lipid test

Although it is recommended that everyone must undergo a lipid profile test regularly, but if you are already suffering any of the symptoms discussed below, then it is time that you plan a lipid test at the earliest. Some of the symptoms indicating lipid test are:

Obesity: Being overweight can invite lot of health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. So if you weigh higher than the average range as per your height and age, then you must get a lipid test done on priority.

Smoking or drinking: If you consume alcohol or smoke even if occasionally, then it is a good idea to go for a cholesterol test. This is because smoking and drinking can a have a very bad impact on your heart. Hence, it is always better to get yourself checked.

Genes factor: If either of your parents or both suffer from medical ailments like blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid etc, then there is a strong possibility of the same getting transferred to you. In order to face any complications later, it is suggested that you get yourself thoroughly checked every once in a while.

Lipid Profile Test Cost and other considerations

If you think lipid test costs too much, then you are wrong! A Lipid Profile Test costs not more than five or six hundred rupees and that too, in some of the best pathological labs in the country like Dr. Lalchandani  labs which not just offer reasonable rates but also facilities like Blood Test, free pick up of samples etc and latest technology.

So a Lipid Profile Test Price at Dr. Lalchandani’s path lab will also entitle you for a free pick up of your sample at your convenience.  So taking care of your health has become all the more convenient!

Thursday, 3 August 2017


Monsoons are a great relief after the scorching summer heat for children. Most of the parents do not allow the kids to venture out in the afternoon for outdoor play due to the heat. With the onset of monsoon, children are relieved that they would at least enjoy the outdoor sports in this rainy season. This rainy season not only lets them enjoy the sport of their choice, it also fulfills the fairy tale dream of every child of dancing in the rain. Not many of us have forgotten the paper boats, we used to drift in water during monsoon. Every child loves to do the same.
As a parent, you would love to see that sparkle in your child’s eye. But, your responsibilities of protecting them from the hazards of monsoons also increase manifold. Your child can suffer from stomach illnesses during this time mostly because of food or water.

The germs in the water or food during the rainy season can contaminate your food and can cause illnesses like gastritis, food poisoning, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, cramps, vomiting and nausea etc. To avoid the stomach infection in children, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that the children are given extra care during monsoons.

How to Protect Your Child From Stomach Infection During Monsoons

Serve Properly Cooked Food

 Rains are the breeding season for mostly all the animals. The same applies for germs. The germs can contaminate the food, which can only be avoided by serving properly and rightly cooked hot food. The rightly cooked food has least possibilities of infections as germs get killed by the heat. Serving hot food will reduce the possibilities of catching a cold also. Meat and eggs should never be under cooked to avoid infections.

Boiled Water

Boiled water is the only lifeline to avoid any infection caused due to water. Children are vulnerable to diseases and boiled water settles their stomach.

Avoid Unhygienic Food

This is especially for the mothers who allow their kids to eat street food or food from restaurants. In no circumstances it should be allowed. You do not know how hygienic the food is which your child is eating; neither do you know the sanitary condition in which it was prepared and the water that was used. Often uncovered food becomes a stage for the flies to dance on and spread germs. Do not give in to the temptations of your children.

Healthy and Nutritious Food

Healthy and nutritious home cooked food is the key to the good health of children. Maintaining the nutrition and the balanced diet, serve your kids home cooked food what they like to eat, even if it is pasta sometimes.

Washing Hands

This should be a habit children should follow not just during monsoons but throughout the year. Washing hands ensure that they do not have residue germs from outside dirt or after using the toilet. It is important to teach them and inculcate this habit in them to avoid the pains later.

Avoid Swimming

Avoid Swimming During Monsoons
 Swimming should be a complete no during rains. The swimming pool is a breeding ground for bacteria to grow manifold and spread diseases. The water eventually lands up in the child’s stomach even if it is in minuscule quantity.
You can ensure good health for your child if you follow these habits. Even after all the necessary precautions, your child catches the infection; you must see a medical practitioner. In the meanwhile, you can add asafoetida and ginger in your child’s diet as necessary precautions as these are found to be great home remedies to cure stomach diseases.
If you child has any symptoms of these ailments, get your child tested for these ailments at a trusted lab